The Dirt on the Dirty Miss USA

It's a good day to be a catty bitch -- the details are beginning to come out about Miss USA's fall from grace. The New York Post reports that Tara Conner has been evicted from her Trump Place apartment in NYC.

Says a doorman at her former home: "She does not live here anymore. She is not allowed anywhere on Trump property. She is certainly not allowed to come back. I don't think it was her choice, really." Conner has returned to her hometown in Kentucky.

So on to the dirt!

The Post, probably fueled on sheer fury that TMZ scooped them on the story that the first runner-up had been told she'd be getting the crown, did some hard-core digging. And it's bad. And -- oh! -- it's ever so good.

According to one source, "She has a really bad drug problem. Everyone at Miss USA hated her. She slept with Travis Barker and she sleeps with all the club promoters."

Ick! She slept with Travis Barker?! I thought we left disgusting work like that to Paris Hilton.

The Post also reports that Conner has been "linked romantically to two of the owners of the club Stereo, MTV veejay Damien Fahey, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest, and DJ AM's assistant."

DJ AM's assistant? That alone should be ground for losing the Miss USA crown. They should have it in the ground rules somewhere. "Thou shalt not sleep with B-list celebrities' assistants. Ever." (The Miss USA bylaws are written like the Bible, right?)

Talk of Conner's drug problem continues with comments from another "friend": "She was latching onto a crew of promoters because she had no other friends and she was using them for drugs. She started utilizing hip New York City people in the night-life scene to feed her addictions. I cut her off when she started leeching off all the other people I introduced her to."

Great friend, Tara. You sure know how to pick 'em.

The Post also found not one but two sources who claim Tara liked to get it on in club bathrooms. "She always went the extra mile," is the quote they chose to print.

There's also the typical dirt on how these problems are "deep-rooted," how Tara was never particularly invested in winning the Miss USA crown, and a random comparison to Lindsay Lohan.

Expect an announcement from the Trump organization on Tuesday.

The Evil Beet

Celebrity gossip with an evil twist.

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