Kim Kardashian Is The Last Person On Earth To Find Out About Kendall Jenner's Nipple Ring

She must stay off the internet?

Though we see a lot of Kendall Jenner during Fashion Week, it's typically on the runway. Though she's shared a few behind-the-scenes secrets — like shaving in the back of a car — it was hard to imagine what, exactly, NYFW is like for one of the most popular models in the world.

Thanks to a video diary Kendall kept for Vogue, the curtain has finally been lifted and behind it is Gigi Hadid, Kim Kardashian, some pancakes, and a lot of boob discussion — you know, the usual.

While the entire clip is worth your time, the best part is when Kim enters carrying, like, three FULL bags of McDonald's and is embraced by a topless Kendall and says, simply, "I had no idea you have a nipple ring."

Like...what are your lives, Kendall and Kim? Seriously, what are they?????

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