Kanye West Goes After 'White Publications' Following 'T.L.O.P.' Album Reviews

'Please do not comment on black music anymore,' he writes.

It's been less than 48 hours since Kanye West released his new album, The Life of Pablo, but the reviews are already rolling in. And Kanye's seen them. And he's not particularly pleased -- with a select few, at least.

On Monday night, the 38-year-old called out any "white publication" -- naming, specifically, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone and The New York Times -- with a strong suggestion: "Please do not comment on black music anymore."

The Rolling Stone piece -- which was only a review of the 10-track version that 'Ye played at Madison Square Garden on Thursday, rather than the full 17-track release from Sunday -- was a bit of a mixed bag; there was praise and criticism.

Both the Pitchfork review -- which gave the album a nine out of 10 -- and the Times review were each largely positive.

Two other, unrelated, tidbits of note from Kanye's latest flood of tweets: He says his album, which was released on Tidal, will "never" be available on Apple Music, and he claims he's got 40 songs with both Kendrick Lamar and Young Thug.

And there you have it. Until next time, folks.

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