Emma Watson’s Latest ‘Role’ Once Again Proves She Is Better Than You

Oh, you thought Emma couldn't be more impressive? WRONG.

Listen up, folks: We need to talk about Emma Watson.

See, the great Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” That basically translates to, “It’s your choice whether or not people make you feel shitty about yourself.” And yeah, OK, that’s totally true. Except in the case of Emma Watson, it’s getting damn near impossible not to feel like a lazy pile of garbage, because this woman is doing it ALL.

At 25 years old, Emma’s already managed to transition from child stardom to adult fame without any scandals or blemishes on her record (something that really shouldn’t be overlooked in today’s celeb culture). Besides building up a respectable acting career, she also became a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, launched the He For She campaign — which encourages men to help fight for gender equality — AND she found time to earn a degree from Brown University. NBD.

Now, in her latest inspirational feat, Emma has been named a visiting fellow at Lady Margaret Hall by Oxford University. She’s one of just 11 luminaries, along with actor Benedict Cumberbatch, to receive the honor.

The college’s principal, Alan Rusbridger, told BBC that visiting fellows’ positions normally last around three years and basically involve being an influence in students’ lives.

“They are people drawn from a variety of backgrounds, callings and professions and we want them to form a bridge between our own academic community and the worlds they inhabit and represent,” he said. “At a minimum we’d like them to drop in occasionally at college, eat with us and meet informally with a variety of the LMH community. It could be a conversation or debate, a performance, a lecture or seminar, a form of outreach — or something we haven’t thought of.”

In other words, Emma’s about to expand her positive influence even more than she already has. She’s currently starring in the new drama Regression and filming Disney’s upcoming Beauty and the Beast, but it’s “roles” like this that remind us this woman is truly an unstoppable force.



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