Watch This Poet Drop Some Real And Raw Advice To Teen Girls Everywhere

Don't let the world get you down.

Melissa Newman-Evans begins her poem "9 Things I Would Like to Tell to Every Teenage Girl," shared via the amazing Button Poetry, with a bombshell: "One: The world is trying to kill you."

Button Poetry

the world is

It's a metaphor, she says, but it's based in truth; the world, full of sexism and gender-based violence, is not always a welcoming place to women and girls.

As Newman-Evans works through her list of advice, she explores the complicated realities of womanhood for the hypothetical teen girl audience -- how the business of bodies and beauty and comparison games bog down even the youngest among us. She puts these things squarely in the category of "S--t that's trying to kill you."

Button Poetry

that shit

"The best hairstyle is one that helps you get out of bed in the morning. The best brand of makeup is one that sharpens a knife for you. The best brand of denim is one that fits and goes with your combat boots," Newman-Evans says. "Wear whatever you want, look however you want, you know who can f--k themselves if they don't like it? Everyone."

Button Poetry


She brings it home to one of best parts of being a teenage girl: You have other teenage girls around you. While celebrations of "sisterhood" tend to sound like hokey platitudes, there's something powerful in knowing that you can "hold up" your sisters.

Button Poetry


Newman-Evans' nine tips bring us back to that scary OG truth: The world may be trying to kill you, but you're not in it alone  -- and you've got a mission of your own:

Button Poetry

kill it back

Watch the full poem here:

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