This New Online Course Wants To Give Women More Orgasms

Take a crash course in cliteracy.

There's plenty of talk about the orgasm gap and everything that's terrible about it -- but there haven't been nearly as many tools that set out to actually correct the seriously unsexy lack of balance and education.

Enter OMGYES, a website pursuing a lofty goal: to "lift the veil and take an honest look at the specific ways women actually find pleasure."

Lydia Daniller, co-founder of OMGYES, told MTV News that the idea for the site started with a conversation among friends about what made their sex lives better.

"Hearing her talk about the different ways she liked her clit to be touched was totally refreshing. Which led to a realization – hearing this stuff from friends or discovering them through personal experience is way more powerful than reading about it or seeing actors on a screen," Daniller said. "So we decided to make that on the internet - real people and experience using technology."

After extensively researching what turns women on in partnership with Indiana University and The Kinsey Institute, they created a series of videos (some of them interactive and even "touchable") that members of the site can use to walk through the basic and more advanced techniques of female sexual pleasure to try and help all different kinds of learners develop their sexual tool kits and make sex better for everyone.

One huge issue the site is trying to address is the way people (and, yes, even researchers) tend to approach women's anatomy -- as if it were some mystical, impossible to understand mechanism. They add that, oftentimes, the confusion is used as a quick excuse to avoid touching on a taboo topic.

"This complexity has gotten confused for ‘unknowability.’ Even doctors and experts throw up their hands and say ‘everyone’s different, you have to figure out what works for you or your partner’ as if that’s the end of the discussion," they write on their website. "Since when has variability stopped human curiosity and research?"

Rob Perkins, OMGYES' other co-founder, told MTV News it's "refreshing" to hear people talk about sex -- and get real about what actually makes it feel good.

"Even though people might say, TMI!, really everyone in the room is listening to every word," Perkins said. "Because hearing about the details from real people is fun and useful."



Both Perkins and Daniller said that through their research they found that younger men, in particular, tend to think they "already know everything" about sex with women.

Daniller said that a "huge number of women report that sex with those younger guys who thought they knew everything wasn't actually very pleasurable. And things get way more pleasurable later on with partners who understood that what worked with their last girlfriend likely won't work with them. And that experimenting, asking questions and reading feedback is what makes it way better."

Instead of being about "reaching orgasm," she said it's about giving people access to the information that made their pleasure and orgasms better -- and that's really what OMGYES is there to help facilitate.

"So, younger women, it gets better," Daniller said. "And younger guys, there's a lot more to explore."

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