Stream DJ Pup Dawg's Memorial Day Weekend Hip Hop Mix for Hive


In the world of Spotify, SoundCloud and iTunes, listening to music on terrestrial radio sometimes seems passé. However, considering the geographical restraints implicit in the format, a sense of community still permeates whenever we go home and throw on our favorite radio station, especially on a holiday weekend. In an attempt to recreate that sense of nostalgia online, Hive commissioned Jam’n 94.5 Music Director and syndicated mix show specialist DJ Pup Dawg to put together the ultimate hip hop mix for Memorial Day Weekend. “The biggest thing about AM/FM radio today is being local,” Pup Dawg, real name Karim Karamali, explains to Hive. “Just yesterday I released an Amber Alert! We even dropped all programming and talked to our listeners on air about the Boston Marathon tragedy. You cannot get those things from a recorded syndication radio show.” Obviously, the set below isn’t a live radio mix, but the DJ drops, shoutouts and quick cuts will make you feel none the wiser. “It’s got a little bit of everything. New school, old school, some reggae, some dance. Just pop it in during your BBQs and enjoy the ride!”

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