Miley Cyrus Becomes A Real-Life Baby In The 'BB Talk' Music Video

MC teams up with Diane Martel and a bunch of big babies.

Miley Cyrus' 2015 was certainly far more kaleidoscopic than anyone else's 2015. From her lavishly colorful VMA-closing performance of "Dooo It!" back in August to the expansive wardrobe, um, choices she made on the Dead Petz tour to the "Lighter" music video -- which was legitimately a kaleidoscope -- Miley knows how to blend the surreal with the seemingly innocent.

And that's what her latest vid, "BB Talk," does. In a way, at least.

The latest Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz vid, which premiered on MTV on Friday night, finds Miley as an IRL baby, rolling around in a diaper, taking a bubble bath and pouting under a mobile -- all because of some dude's weird, infantilizing chit-chat.

If the video's glamour shot-recalling pink hues ring a visual bell, it's because they're the creation of Diane Martel, who co-directed the video with Miley. Martel has shot some of the most talked-about music videos of the past few years, including Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines," Miley's own "We Can't Stop" and recently, The 1975's "Love Me."

All those videos had highly GIFable moments, and "BB Talk" is no exception. Please use this one among your friends and family and allow the hypnotizing movements of giant babies become your new truth.

Miley Cyrus/YouTube

Miley Cyrus BB Talk

Once you've had your "BB Talk" fill above, relive the madness that Miley brought at the 2015 VMAs below.

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