'Thor: Ragnorak' Has Added A Badass Warrior Woman

Is that you, Brunnhilde?!

Remember a couple of months back when we first got word that "Thor: Ragnorak" might be bringing in some badass warrior goddesses to the scene to liven the place up a bit? And remember how we got down on our knees and basically prayed to Odin that this was the truth before proceeding to do all the happy claps about the possibility that we might finally get to see the Valkyrior in all their shield-wielding glory?

Well, good news. Not only does that appear to be what's happening right now, but Marvel's brought in a real pro for the job of leading up his all-female squad of winged horse-riders.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, Cate Blanchett will join the third "Thor" for an *officially* unknown role, but reportedly the studio had been looking for a "bad-ass female" to cast for the pic before signing Blanchett.

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8th Annual Museum Of Modern Art Film Benefit Honoring Cate Blanchett

And while that's no definite confirmation that the "Carol" star will play the Valkyrie's leader Brunnhilde (or any member of her Asgardian team of goddesses), it certainly suggests as much -- especially considering these other pieces of evidence:

(1) She's essentially THE perfect fit for the Valkyrie vision in Josh Nizzi's concept art of those characters;

(2) Cate Blanchett is a two-time Oscar-winning boss, so there's no way she'd be offered anything less than the big-time here;

(3) She's got gobs of experience working magic with fantasy/period pieces/fairy tales/you name it. Being a Norse warrior queen is RIGHT there in her range (though you'd be hard to find something that isn't, really); and

(4) If anyone can lead up a potential future stand-alone project -- side-eyeing those three empty slots on the Marvel roster for 2020 -- it's her.

Cate Blanchett LOTR

Whatever the character case may be, Cate Blanchett is definitely a solid addition to the Marvel Universe.

“Thor: Ragnarok” hits theaters July 28, 2017.

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