The First 'Game Of Thrones' Season 6 Footage Is Here And It's Very Upsetting

Oh, it's Ramsay Bolton. Hooray.

If you've been desperately watching for any sign from the TV gods that Jon Snow will rise again on "Game of Thrones"' next year, then this isn't going to help, at all.

About three seconds' worth of new footage from Season 6 was revealed last night (Dec. 6) in this year-end/2016 preview reel from HBO, but the network continues to cruelly taunt us by showing no sign of Jon Snow, one way or another.

Instead, the first peek at the show's next installment includes Daenerys looking disheveled/confused; Cersei, embracing Tommen and sporting a killer pixie cut; and Ramsay Bolton riding a horse.

That's right: Your first, tiny, long-awaited taste of what's to come in Westeros, and a full one-third of it is a shot of Ramsay [expletive] Bolton.

It's just mean, really.

Watch the teeny preview below. (The "Game of Thrones" footage starts around 2:15.)

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