Dragon*Con 2012: Cosplayers Dress to Impress As Some Of Your Favorite Movie Characters

Welcome back to our coverage of Dragon*Con 2012's cosplay! This go-around we're taking a closer look at a wide variety of costumes based on the heroes and villains of film. Movies can be incredibly influential, and what better way for a cosplayer to show their love of a character than by crafting a costume with their own two hands? By letting us photograph them, of course! That's right, we've got it all-- from half-naked, blue, cat-people to Hunter S. Thompson, and beyond!

These two miscreants perfectly capture the look of Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro as Hunter S. Thompson and Dr. Gonzo from "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". This is a prime example of how a costume doesn't have to be made from scratch, or be overly elaborate, to get the job done.

On the opposite end of the spectrum from the last photo, this costume of the Zenomorph from Ridley Scott's "Alien" movies benefits from large amounts of latex, paint, and time.

Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, makes her way from the classic 1939 "The Wizard of Oz"-- and she hasn't aged a day! We chalk that up to clean living and massive amounts of magic.

This is the Mark VI version of the Iron Man armor as seen in "Iron Man 2" and "The Avengers". Unlike the film, which used green-screen digital effects for the gloves and legs, this guy has built the whole thing. Of course, we doubt it could take a bullet quite as well as the armor in the movies, and this guy completely (and wisely) refused to let us shoot him to find out. When did Tony Stark become such a stickler for safety?!

Is it weird that by wearing white straps and an orange wig, it's far easier to emulate Milla Jovovich's LeeLoo than it is to mimic Bruce Willis regardless of dressing to a tee like Korben Dallas? Looks like Bruce's badassery just can't be conveyed through conventional means. Still, these costumes based on "The Fifth Element" characters are very well done. Don't let it be said that we ever discounted a woman for daring to wear that outfit!

Here's Captain Jack Sparrow, surrounded by rum-colored skies! The "Pirates of the Caribbean" films, and Johnny Depp's amazing portrayal, have caused Captain Jack costumes to see a giant upswing in recent years. It doesn't hurt that a lot of the prop pieces are readily available all over the internet, but it's always nice to see a completed version-- especially when the person wearing it acts the part.

What, you thought you were going to get through all of these cosplay features and not see at least one Stormtrooper? Pssshhhtt! You're livin' in a dreamworld, pal!

Neytiri from James Cameron's "Avatar" is seen her about to stab us in the throat with a spear. This costume is pretty much perfect, but like all Avatar-based costumes of the blue-skinned warriors of Pandora, it isn't nearly tall enough when considering the character's heights in the film. Our solution? Stilts. There just aren't enough stilt-based costumes nowadays!

We'll wrap up this post with a nice, heartwarming look at Westley, a.k.a. The Dread Pirate Roberts and his one-true-love Buttercup, "The Princess Bride". While the costumes are matched up very well with what was seen on screen, it's the ornate sword that really ties it all together.

Stay tuned to MTV Geek for more cosplay coverage from Dragon*Con 2012! Also, if you're at Dragon Con this weekend be sure to stop by our green screen photo booth at the Marriott Marquis (on the marquis level) and get your picture taken on 1 of our 16 backgrounds!

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