The French Love Le Star Wars!!

So last month I went to the south of France for a little vacay to visit friends! We ate smelly cheeses, and talked about what every French person loves to discuss - STAR WARS!! My friend Dennis is a proud French adult Star Wars fan! His favorite character is Darth Vader, aka Dark Vador as they say in France. His favorite book is in English The Complete Vader: Star Wars book, which is actually so cool to read in French!  "Je suis ton pere" means "I am your father" in case you want to say a little Star Wars phrase in French!

One lovely Sunday I went with my friends Dennis and Emeline to their friends' house for a nice lunch with (you guess it!) smelly cheeses. Their son, Killian, turns out was a huge Star Wars fan. I told him I was too, so he quickly grabbed my hand and took me to his room to show off his Star Wars collection. He had Legos, tie fighters, action figures, stickers and trading cards. He was so proud of his galactic collection. I quickly grabbed my purse and gave him everything Star Wars I had in it, which wasn't much - A Lego Wicket keychain and a stormtrooper keychain. I had my "I love scoundrels" wallet on me too but felt it may be a bit much for him...

After the show and tell, we did a little photoshoot on a skateboard ram with Lego Wicket, which was quite fun! Check it:

It was a happy day to realize that Star Wars still has an international affect on people, even the French! Vive le Star Wars!! QUE LA FORCE SOIT AVEC TOI!!

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