LEGO Reveals Ultimate Collector's Series R2-D2 (UPDATE: Video and Box)

This isn't the first time we've seen iconic astromech droid R2-D2 in LEGO form; master builders have displayed life-size LEGO versions of him numerous times around the globe. However, this time things are a little different as the model you see above is becoming an actual LEGO set so we can all take a swing at putting it together!

The R2-D2 you see above will be the latest addition to the LEGO Ultimate Collector's Series when it lands in May 2012. Previous Star Wars models in the line include an enormous Millennium Falcon, an Imperial Shuttle and two giant-sized Death Stars.

The Ultimate Collector's Series R2-D2 stands 12” tall, 7” wide and comes with a fact plaque detailing the character, along with an R2-D2 minfig so you can take R2 with you on the go. The designers behind this set (Kurt Kristiansen and Mike Fuller) did all they could to make this model as true to the character as they could. It features a bunch of R2's gadgets including the universal computer interface arm and the classic circular saw. Also, the front leg pops out from the bottom and allows R2 to stand as if he were cruising down the hall of and Imperial starship.

The set is comprised of over 2,000 individual LEGO bricks and when it's released it will be available from for around $250.

LEGO R2-D2 Design and Features Clip

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