Dragon-Con 2011: The Next Generation

Judging by our travels here at Dragon-Con, our fellow geeks have been very busy in propagating our species. Kids of all ages are here with their parents this weekend, enjoying the con as much, if not more, than their elders. Of course, it definitely helps that they get to dress up in costume for a few days straight-- like an extended Halloween! Below, you'll find photos featuring some of the cutest geeks you'll ever see, and our future comic artists, movie directors, and world leaders!

We're fairly certain that this Hulk could take us in a fight, cause going barefoot at Dragon-Con proves a toughness unmatched by most!

Not only was this kid dressed as the Greatest American Hero, he was also a huge fan of the show. Looks like there's still hope for the future after all!

Cute? Yes, but we're not sure if this Yoda would be much use in a lightsaber fight.

We imagine this Ghostbuster had to fight for his life once collectors realized he was sporting the classic Kenner Proton Pack and PKE Meter from the Real Ghostbusters animated series.

We came across the Crow and Harry Potter in the Vendor's Hall looking for toys, weapons, and toy weapons.

While Spidey here was quick to pose for our camera, he completely blew his secret identity. where's Mephisto when ya need him?!

Neither of Vader nor Indy spoke very much as they were in awe by their surroundings. If only George Lucas was there to randomly dub dialogue for them...

While on the surface this appears to be an innocent and cute pose, we're fairly certain he was trying to use a laser on us.

Two words: Steampunk Baby

Stay tuned to MTV Geek! for all your cosplay and Dragon-Con coverage!

Related Posts:

Dragon-Con Day 1: Cosplay Round-Up

The Dragon-Con 10th Anniversary Parade in Photos: Part 3


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