The 5 Coolest Wielders of Thor's Hammer (Who Aren't Thor)

“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

So says the inscription on Mjolnir, Thor’s mystical hammer in the Marvel comics. And for the most part, Thor’s been the one wielding that hammer. But every once in a while, someone else worthy picks up the hammer, and gains a little bit of the ol’ thunder. Here are five other wielders of the weapon… Who aren’t Thor:

5. Eric Masterson

For a while there, Thor wasn’t actually Thor. Or rather, Thor’s mortal guise of Eric Masterson – a human construction worker – took up the Uru Hammer, joined the Avengers, and basically took Thor’s place on Earth. Eventually, Thor took his rightful place as, er, Thor again. But Masterson stayed around for a while, wielding a new hammer called Thunderstrike.

4. Rulk

This is a bit of a cheat, but when the Red Hulk was first introduced, he found a little loop-hole in the whole, “be he worthy thing.” In a no-holds-barred fight with Thor, Red Hulk (nicknamed “Rulk”) grabbed Thor’s hand, which was holding the hammer, and flew him into space. Rulk may not be worthy to wield the hammer, but he can wield the hand that holds the hammer.

3. Awesome Andy

The Mad Thinker’s “evil” android Andy just wants to be loved. At least, he did in the short-lived She-Hulk series by Dan Slott. In a flashback issue showing how Andy went from generic super-villain muscle, to the heart of She-Hulks super powered law firm. Able to mimic superpowers, Andy aped Thor’s, and was able to lift his hammer. Thinking himself worthy, Andy decided to turn over a new leaf, and go good. See? Hammers don’t just break things.

2. Beta Ray Bill

The alien Korbonite known as Beta Ray Bill may have a horse face, but he’s as brave and powerful as Thor ever was – maybe even stronger. First introduced kicking the snot out of the god of thunder, Bill was introduced as an enemy, but became one of Thor’s greatest allies when it turned out he was able to lift Mjolnir. Like Eric Masterson, Bill was given his own mystic hammer called Stormbreaker. Added to his own alien strength and battle skills, Bill is an unstoppable force for good.

1. Superman

At the end of the epic crossover JLA/Avengers, Thor has been felled by the forces of uber-bad guy Krona. So it’s up to Superman to save the day, which he does holding Captain America’s shield, and Thor’s Hammer. Is there any question that Superman – of all the heroes in the DC universe – wouldn’t be “worthy?” Not after this fanboy pleasing moment, which still makes us giddy to think about. It may not be strictly in continuity, but when you’ve got a moment this cool, who cares?

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