New 'Avengers' Photos: Bruce Banner Gets To Work

There have been so many pictures from "The Avengers" released that I'm not sure how we don't know the plot for the entire movie yet. Marvel has premiered 12 new stills from the upcoming movie, and fortunately this new batch steers clear of spoiler territory.

In one image, Bruce Banner can be seen inspecting some sort of new technology in one of the helicarrier's computer rooms. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the anticipation of seeing Banner transform into his big green anger machine that we forget he is a scientist first. It will be nice to see if he and Tony Stark butt heads or bond over their similar interest in science and technology.

Most of the other photos just show off the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier that we have seen so much of since the first "Avengers" trailer hit the web. The photos show Nick Fury's control deck, the holding cells for Iron Man's suit and Captain America's armor, and also various empty rooms throughout the aircraft.

Fortunately there are pictures that are a little bit more fun than the informative ones listed above. Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow can be seen walking with purpose through what looks like a government base. It's nice to see the Captain sporting his new outfit with pride, and no one around him taking a second glance at his colorful, patriotic garb.

And let's not forget the obligatory stills of Black Widow, Hawkeye and Thor looking angsty and intense. It wouldn't be an onslaught of new, spoiler-free images without them. Seriously, it's getting hard to wait the next month and a half until "The Avengers" finally hits theaters.

Which of these new photos is your favorite? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!

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