Jamie Bell Excited For Peter Jackson's 'Tintin' Sequel

With all the critical acclaim and international box office success of "The Adventures of Tintin," it seems like a no-brainer that Paramount and Sony would work out sequel details soon. But right now, the question is more "when" than "if," since most of the big names from the first film are currently tied up with different projects.

When MTV News caught up with star Jamie Bell while the actor promoted his latest movie, "Man on a Ledge," we asked him what he's heard about more "Tintin."

"They're writing it. They're writing it," Bell said about the second film's script. "Everyone is really busy. Steven [Spielberg] is shooting 'Lincoln,' not literally," he joked. "He's filming 'Lincoln,' and Peter [Jackson] is doing something else called 'The Hobbit,' I don't know."

And what does Bell hope for in a second film? "Just to do one would be great. Also, to do a 'Tintin' movie that comes from Peter Jackson, because his vision would be completely different," he said.

Plans have long been in place for Jackson to direct and Steven Spielberg to produce the next "Tintin," a role reversal from the first film. "And just to explore the characters a bit more, and the technology advances so quickly that it would be a completely different thing."

One of Bell's "Tintin" co-stars, Andy Serkis, has earned some Oscar buzz for that film and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes." We asked Bell to weigh in on awards talks surrounding Serkis and what a nomination might mean. "He needs it," Bell said. "He deserves it, and we need to kind of grow up as an acting community and realize that it is a technology that is defined by actors."

What do you want to see in a "Tintin" sequel? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!

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