'Dark Knight Rises' Prologue: By The Numbers

Now that Warner Bros. has finally confirmed that the opening sequence to the next and final Christopher Nolan Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises," will play in front of select showings of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," it's time to reflect on what we know about the upcoming preview.

Here is a helpful by-the-numbers break down of everything we know for sure about the prologue to "The Dark Knight Rises."

6 - Number of minutes in the prologue

One of the earliest details we knew about the preview was the length. It's not a huge amount of time, but any amount of time is acceptable for a sneak peek of "The Dark Knight Rises," and it was enough for another movie you might be familiar with.

6 - Number of minutes in the "Dark Knight" prologue

The introduction of the Joker was the model for this new preview, and I think everyone can agree that it did a hell of a lot with its six minutes.

13 - The recommended minimum age for viewers

The Motion Picture Association of America awarded the prologue a PG-13 rating for "some violence." What that violence may be is up to you to speculate about, but hopefully it involves Bane and crushing skulls.

32 - The number of U.S. theaters presenting it

That's it. Hopefully, you're close enough to one of the few theaters across America playing the preview. None of the many digital IMAX screens will show it, and that's because of another number...

70 - The millimeters in an IMAX print

Only "true" IMAX screens (film-based ones) will be showing the preview. Since digital is much cheaper to maintain, the number of 70mm IMAX screens has stayed relatively small.

$19 - How much a ticket will cost you in New York City

If you want IMAX, you'll have to pay the price. But hey, you also get to see "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol."

$3.17 - Price per minute if you leave right after the prologue

...Or not. There may be a few enthusiastic but busy fans who can't find the time to stay for the movie after the preview. It ain't cheap.

Are you going to see the "Dark Knight Rises" prologue? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!

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