'Dark Knight Rises' New York Roundup: Midtown Manhattan Shooting Starts Friday

As "The Dark Knight Rises" filming hits New York, natives are given to wonder what of our city’s man made and social phenomenons might be utilized in the vast production.

On Location Vacations readers have spotted “No Parking on Friday, 10/28” signs labeled with “MAGNUS REX” — also known as the shooting title for “The Dark Knight Rises” — on West 58th Street between 7th and 5th Ave in Midtown NYC.

Christopher Nolan’s massively anticipated sequel may not be occupying the Zucotti Park homebase of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but that doesn’t mean the set will steer clear of NYC’s financial epicenter. According to the site, rumors maintain that a “big” scene will be filmed on Wall Street and is slated to include more than 1000 extras. Reported details on plot points involved are slightly spoilery, so read on at your own risk.

The supposed scene is set in a Gotham that has been taken over by Bane. After “months of chaos” cops and good guys return to rumble with bad guys for control of the city.

As convenient as it may be that throngs of protesters stand pre-assembled on location, chances are they won’t be a part of production. Tom Hardy and Christian Bale however, are “both expected to be there in full costumes as Bane and Batman.” According to the rumor, the actors and background players should begin rehearsing for the shoot at Riis Park within a couple days.

Will you be spying on the "Dark Knight Rises" set in New York? What are your expectations of the Batman Vs. Bane storyline? Tell us in the comment section or on Twitter!

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