New 'Tintin' Photos Show Snowy, Haddock In Action

Much ado has been made over "The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn," the upcoming motion capture animated adventure from Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson, co-written by Edgar Wright ("Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World"), Steven Moffat ("Doctor Who"), and Joe Cornish ("Ant-Man") and stars Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Cary Elwes.

Looking at that A-list lineup, it's not surprising about all the ado, right? Today we have more to salivate over in the form of a slew of new photos that appeared online, making it one of our first glimpses at new material since the film's presence at Comic-Con this summer.

This new crop continues to show off the sweeping fantasy elements of the film and the sophisticated animation. The characters look beautiful and realistically drawn/created, vs. the creepier styles we've seen in "The Polar Express" and "A Christmas Story." We see a lot of Captain Haddock, Snowy and Tintin in action, as well as Detectives Thompson and Thompson (Nick Frost and Simon Pegg). Head on over to Spinoff Online to see the full set.

When MTV News caught up with Spielberg and Jackson at Comic-Con recently, we asked which scenes were the most difficult to create.

"I don't think it's any one scene that is tough to crack," Spielberg said. "It's the medium that has been evolving that took years of development and experimentation and trial and error."

"Haddock is such a messy, chaotic character that it's quite debatable whether he helps or hinders Tintin most of the time," Jackson said.

"But he gets a lot of laughs, and that's the important thing," Spielberg added with a chuckle.

For those of us in the U.S. who didn't grow up reading the adventures of the Belgian boy detective, the Georges Remi-created character has a massive international following. And if Spielberg and Jackson are calling this a passion project, we know it's going to be great.

Will you see "Tintin" when it comes out? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!

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