Steve Jobs, CGI Yoda Replacements And Beer-Painted Batman In Today's Twitter Report

In other subjects, the art was strong with the last day's worth of tweeting. Ben Templesmith claims a Batman sketch he posted was painted in beer, which in addition to the fact that it's a Ben Templesmith Batman sketch makes the piece mighty rad. Check out a link to the big picture and Robert Kirkman's love for the CGI Yoda replacement that's coming to the new "Star Wars: Episode I" Blu-ray discs. It's all in the highlight reel below.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for August 25, 2011.

@MrAdamFreeman Steve Jobs. iQuit. Didn't write that joke, but love it.

-Adam Freeman, Writer ("Dark X-Men: The Beginning," "The Highwaymen")

@badmachinery Woke up to all the Steve Jobs chatter. First thought: "he's dead". Second thought: "he's decided to put on a belt for the first time ever".

-John Allison, Writer/Artist ("Bad Machinery," "Scary Go Round")

@rstevens Fun fact: The iPhone is a failure. Its original mandate was to put millions of networked cameras in the wild to prove the existence of UFOs.

-R. Stevens, Writer/Artist ("Diesel Sweeties," "LOLbots")

@RobertKirkman News of a CGI Yoda in Phantom Menace has me stoked. I love all Star Wars... Even the not so great ones. I buy every damn release.

-Robert Kirkman, Writer ("Invincible," "Walking Dead")

"Game of Thrones" pt. 1: @GWillowWilson Cersei is the only fictional char I've spent energy hating. Yet in TV series she's resigned and weary instead of grasping and evil.

-G. Willow Wilson, Writer ("Air," "Vixen: Return of the Lion")

"Game of Thrones" pt. 2: @brubaker @GWillowWilson And really really hot.

-Ed Brubaker, Writer ("Captain America," "Criminal")

"Game of Thrones" pt. 3: @brubaker @GWillowWilson Sorry, I just love Lena Heady.

@Templesmith Photo: Chicago drink & draw. Painted with beer. (Taken with instagram)

-Ben Templesmith, Writer/Artist ("30 Days of Night," "Welcome to Hoxford")

@mouseguard Inking some Black Axe

-David Petersen, Writer/Artist ("Mouse Guard")

@BRIANMBENDIS in five years we will not recognize the comics industry, but the stories will still be told by caring, gifted artists

-Brian Michael Bendis, Writer ("New Avengers," "Ultimate Spider-Man")

Be sure to follow @MTVSplashPage on Twitter for up-to-the-minute breaking news in the world of comics and movies.

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