Catwoman Revealed, Plus Bane And Wonder Woman In Today's Twitter Report

In other tweets, Jim Lee sounded pleased with Henry Cavill's first public Superman still. His perspective, a defense of Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man switch-up, and a Wonder Woman TV pilot review made today's recap.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for August 5, 2011.

Catwoman pt. 1: @McKelvie Anyone consider that maybe that shot of Selina Kyle is from *before* she's properly Catwoman?

-Jamie McKelvie, Artist ("Phonogram," "Siege: Loki")

Catwoman pt. 2: @chuckbb I know it will be great, but every image I see from Dark Knight Rises makes me think it will be a terrible thing.

-Chuck BB, Artist ("Black Metal")

@JoeKellyMOA Anyone scrubbed the Dark Knight Rises site for the hidden Anne Hathaway shot? If not, I actually saw something first. Impossible.

-Joe Kelly, Writer ("Action Comics," "I Kill Giants")

@Rob_guillory Bane is to Dark Knight Rises as Venom was to Spiderman 3.

-Rob Guillory, Artist ("Chew")

@jimlee00 What I liked about Cavill as Superman was the pose just spoke of a more action packed, dramatic Superman movie. Pose=all business

-Jim Lee, Artist ("Batman," "X-Men")

@David_Hahn Finally saw the failed Wonder Woman TV pilot. They made her a bully and tried to make her Bruce Wayne. Looked good in the suit, though.

-David Hahn, Artist ("Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four," "Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane")

@Alejandrobot Spider-Man is Marvel's most prominent character. Making Spidey a minority means something that just creating a minority character wouldn't.

-Alejandro Arbona, Editor ("Thor," "The Immortal Iron Fist")

@mrmarkmillar For those doubting Apes, I refer you to the extended trailer. I know I'll regret saying this, but could this be the dark horse of Summer?

-Mark Millar, Writer ("Kick-Ass," "Wanted")

@BRIANMBENDIS If you want to enjoy Knight and Day think of it as Vanilla Sky 2

-Brian Michael Bendis, Writer ("New Avengers," "Ultimate Spider-Man")

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