Wombat Weaponization, 'Powers' And 'Supercrooks' In Today's Twitter Report

Mike Oeming is on top of the state of the "Powers" TV show, though, and he's excited about what he's been seeing in his inbox. Find out why, see another "Supercrooks" update, and check out some awesome David Aja artwork down below.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for July 6, 2011.

@Oeming reading some very cool emails about the POWERS show! I'm kind of giddy.

-Mike Oeming, Writer/Artist ("Powers," "The Mice Templar")

@davaja Captain America Sketch #FranceComicCon

-David Aja, Artist ("The Immortal Iron Fist," "Daredevil")

Wombat pt. 1: @sispurrier "Giant Wombat Found In Australia", says the link. Si gets excited. Clickthrough magically adds: "'s skeleton" to the mix. Piss it.

-Simon Spurrier, Writer ("Gutsville," "Wolverine: Dangerous Game")

Wombat pt. 2: @andydiggle @sispurrier COMBAT WOMBAT! He Fights Crime!

-Andy Diggle, Writer ("The Losers," "Daredevil")

Wombat pt. 3: @sispurrier @andydiggle And since he's a GIANT Combat Wombat, it would be ridiculous NOT to mount a rocket launcher on his sturdy back.

Wombat pt. 4: @westonfront @andydiggle @sispurrier Combat Wombat! Genius! Andy, you've found your million dollar Creator-owned franchise!

-Chris Weston, Artist ("The Authority," "The Filth")

Wombat pt. 5: @andydiggle @westonfront @sispurrier Everything's been done!…

@IvanBrandon if you wonder why magneto had an irish accent at the end, it's cause they only paid for 2hrs of german & the last 15min he was off the clock

-Ivan Brandon, Writer ("Viking," "NYC Mech")

@mrmarkmillar @leinilyu Glad you like, chum. We're in final pages of Supercrooks screenplay, btw. Told the studio we'd have it in by weekend. Exciting!

-Mark Millar, Writer ("Kick-Ass," "Wanted")

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