Bryan Singer Reflects On 'Superman Returns,' Yearns To 'Redo The Original'

"It’s hard for me to assess it," director Bryan Singer told" My gut response is, “It didn’t do THAT bad.” You know, summer’s a tricky time – I know it’s hard to blame the time, but there’s a bit of an expectation for a summer movie."

Singer was very forthcoming about the faults he now sees in the movie now that its five years behind him, even relating a conversation he had with Quentin Tarantino and his own issues with the Richard White character and Lois Lane's son. He even went into detail about the homages to the original film series and his own biblical analogies for the character.

"I’ve always felt that the origin of Superman is the story of Moses – the child sent on a ship to fulfill a destiny," said Singer. "And this was a story about Christ – it’s all about sacrifice: 'The world, I hear their cries.' So what happens? He gets the knife in the side and later he falls to the earth in the shape of a crucifix."

"If I was going to do another one, it would be a reboot," he continued. "I would go back and redo the original, but I only thought of that recently. It would be a much less romantic, more balls-to-the-wall action movie. It would be a very different pace than 'Superman Returns,' which I can say at this point because I have distance from it now."

With five years to mull it over, Singer has a very different portrayal of the movie -- but what about you? With five years to think it over, what do you think of "Superman Returns"? Let us know what you think in the comment section or on Twitter!

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