'The Walking Dead' Trailer Debuts, Series To Premiere Halloween Night!

If you were one of the lucky few to attend AMC's "The Walking Dead" panel at Comic-Con, you got to see the first-ever trailer for the upcoming television series based on Robert Kirkman's celebrated comic. If you didn't get to see it, well... the wait is over.

AMC has posted the full trailer online, and announced the series' official premiere date: October 31 at 10 PM EST. Yes, the dead will rise on Halloween night this year, and I couldn't be happier about it.

According to the site, the series will kick off with a 90-minute premiere, then follow with 60-minute episodes. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Frank Darabont ("Shawshank Redemption," "The Mist"), the series has an initial six-episode order, but let's all cross our fingers and hope for more to follow, shall we?

Just in case you haven't been following along at home, the series stars Andrew Lincoln as police officer Rick Grimes, who wakes up in a hospital after being shot. The new trailer details the circumstances of his shooting, as well as the horrific world he wakes up to — a world in which zombies walk the streets and the living are an endangered species.

Back in June, I visited the set of "The Walking Dead" and watched a scene being filmed in which Rick arrives in Atlanta on horseback, hoping to find his wife and son among the survivors camped there. Instead of finding his family, he finds, well... you can see for yourself in the trailer.

Terrifying, eh?

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