SECRET IDENTITY: Five Actors To Replace Tobey Maguire In 'Spider-Man'

Sony's decision to reboot their Spider-Man franchise instead of making "Spider-Man 4" means that moviegoers will see an entirely new Peter Parker in theaters for 2012. Not just anyone can play Spidey, though. The part demands an actor who can play a socially maladjusted teenager while still being able to slip into spandex and wisecrack like it's going out of style.

Since the only details Sony has released indicate that their new Spider-Man film will take place during Peter's teenage years, we can only assume that whoever gets the part will need to walk and talk like a high school student.

Here are five actors we think could handle the great power and great responsibility of the role.


The star of "Zombieland" and "Adventureland" would come into the new Spider-Man film with one of the nerdiest lists of credits ever if snagged to play Peter. Of course, he'd need to jump into the role right after portraying Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in "The Social Network," too. He may be getting a little old play a teenager, but depending on how young the cast around him looks, he could work.


This young "Twilight" actor has a boyish enough face to pass for Parker at the right age, just so long as he can deliver with the character's awkward mannerisms. Since he's already been in two "Twilight" installments and a Star Trek film ("Insurrection"), he's probably well-adjusted to starring in front of geek fandom.


If you don't recognize Erik Knudson as the young loner from the TV series "Jericho," you will after you see him as Luke "Crash" Wilson in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World." By that time he'll be fully orientated into the world of comic book film, and if he's going to keep going up, he might as well pick one of the most recognizable superheroes in the world.


It might be strange seeing the same actor who once played Cobra Commander take on Marvel's webslinger, but his name was once floated as a possible Tobey Maguire successor if Maguire walked. This is another case where an older cast might need to be installed around him to make him look young, but he definitely has the nerdy demeanor to do the character.


Fugit also showed up in reports a while back as a potential Maguire replacement, and his IMDb credits, which include the aspiring writer in "Almost Famous" and Jena Malone's love interest in "Saved!" read like the perfect buildup to playing a young Peter Parker.

Who would you cast as Spider-Man in Sony's film reboot? Share your picks in the comments and on Twitter!

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