'The Pro' Creators Want Sarah Silverman (Or Ellen Muth) For Live-Action Adaptation's Lead Role

“The Pro”—a comedy which follows the misadventures of a prostitute who gains superpowers and reluctantly joins a superteam—has been in development as a potential animated series for several years. While a “killer demo” has reportedly been produced, the series itself has not found a home.

Over on his blog, Palmiotti revealed that the creative team is now considering “The Pro” as a potential live-action project. He also had a surprising casting choice for the lead character.

“My first and favorite candidate is Sarah Silverman,” Palmiotti explained. “First off, she is funny as hell and I think has the right attitude. Second, she can act...which is important for this to work and last, she has more balls than most people I know and would be willing and able to pull this off just right, in my opinion. I also think the big screen needs to see more of her.”

Shortly thereafter, Palmiotti revealed that Conner has another actress in mind for the role:

“Amanda loves Ellen Muth for the part of 'The Pro,'" Palimiotti continued. “She really is another good choice. We both met Ellen while we were in Australia and New Zealand doing a comic convention there and she was totally cool and had a great sense of humor. We immediately liked her and bonded right away. We also thought she was a great actress on the 'Dead Like Me' series. I have to agree with Amanda, there is a lot to like here.”

Palmiotti also mentioned that Muth was given a copy of “The Pro” and “loved it.”

Who would be the best “Pro”, Sarah Silverman or Ellen Muth? Who would you cast as “The Pro”? Let us know what you think in the comment section or on Twitter!

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