'Terminator: Salvation' Prequel Comics To Hit iPhone And iPod Touch

"Consumers want to extend the print experience to their handheld media devices and the iPhone and iPod touch are ideal platforms for delivering rich, immersive, visual experiences," said Warner Bros. Digital Distribution President Thomas Gewecke in the press release announcing the comics' move to the mobile platform. "We expect the 'Terminator: Salvation' prequel to be the first of many digital comic releases over the coming year."

The "Terminator: Salvation" prequel comic (which we previewed last year here on Splash Page) takes place in the year 2018, just after Judgment Day and prior to the events of the film, and leads up to McG's opening scene. The miniseries also includes character details and backstories pertinent to the movie, in addition to new characters who don't appear on-screen. The five issues are available for $0.99 individually or as a set for $3.99.

While the timing of the "Terminator" series' arrival on the iPhone seems appropriate, it's interesting to note Warner Bros involvement with the IDW project, given the company's ownership of DC Comics.

"We see digital comics as an exciting new growth category," Gewecke stated. The release indicates that Warner Bros. Digital Distribution will be ramping up its App Store comics releases later this year with titles including "classic cartoons as well as well-known action titles."

What do you think of the comics reading experience on iPhone and iPod Touch? Have you read IDW's prequel story to "Terminator Salvation"? Share your thoughts and reviews in the comment section below!

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