'Watchmen' Co-Creator Dave Gibbons On The Genesis Of Rorschach: Part Hitler, Part Thatcher?!

"I put him in the same kind of bag as Hitler and Margaret Thatcher -- you might not like them but you can't deny that there's something very attractive about someone who has no grey areas," Gibbons recently related to DigitalSpy. "Just as all the characters are archetypal - there's the Batman equivalent, the feisty female heroine, the Superman - Rorschach is like the gumshoe detective or the masked vigilante taken way out of everyone's comfort zone. The ultimate vigilante where everything is black and white."

While Gibbons clearly uses those irreverent historical references loosely, there's no denying the fact that Rorschach is a "hero" of little talk and lots of brutal action. Played by Jackie Earle Haley in the upcoming film, Rorschach uses a "by any means necessary" approach in order to track down a serial murderer targeting superheroes.

Arguably the stand-out character from the original comic series -- and definitely the coolest looking one -- Gibbons predicts moviegoers who are not familiar with "Watchmen" will take to Rorschach the same way hardcore geeks have over the years.

"I can almost imagine him entering into the language with people saying 'Don't do a Rorschach on me, man,'" said Gibbons. "He's very elemental, a very novel character."

Do you agree with Gibbons' assessment of Rorschach? Talk it up in the comments.

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