Tim Urban Talks Love Songs, Workout Videos During Visit To MTV News

If "American Idol" was a beauty pageant, Tim Urban deserved to win Miss (Mr.?) Congeniality. Whether he was gamely giggling at the judges' pans or sliding across the stage like he was stealing home plate, Urban was a ray of sunshine in a particularly dreary season.


This week he stopped by MTV News to chat about his "Idol" trip (and it was a trip all right), as well as what's in store for the future. He's got the "American Idols Live" tour up first, where he'll perform alongside the rest of the Top 10 (including recent eliminee Siobhan Magnus). Then perhaps he'll do a few low-key gigs with his season nine buddy Alex Lambert in Los Angeles. But the aspiring actor/singer is also hoping for a phone call from "Glee" or the Disney family. "My style of music is always going to be upbeat," he promised.

I didn't spend too much time asking about specific "Idol" performances (if you're looking for that, check out Entertainment Weekly's entertaining four-part chat), which freed us up to talk about the stuff you guys wanted to know -- like if he'll ever do a workout video, how he felt singing love songs to Usher and Adam Lambert during their rehearsals and who he'd kill to duet with on this year's finale. (He'd freak out if he got to perform with Muse, but also realizes that musically it might make more sense for a Colbie Callait collaboration.)

Who would you like to see Tim perform with at the finale? (Do you like our Kermit idea?) Would you go to a Tim Urban/Alex Lambert double-bill? Which was your favorite Tim Urban moment on "Idol" this season? Check out our interview and leave a comment below! And for more "Idol"-related chatter, follow me on Twitter at @jambajim!

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