'American Idol' Finale Diary: Jim's Trip Gets Off To An Awkward Start

While waiting for my flight to LAX (en route to the "American Idol" finale!), I just bumped into Homer Steinweiss, the awesome drummer at Daptone Studios (you've heard his work on Amy Winehouse's Back to Black, as well as with Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings). And I proceeded to act like a stalker. Poor dude just got off a plane and was headed toward the bathroom when I intercepted him.


Jim: Homer Steinweiss?! (Subtext: It's 6 a.m. and I'm sleep deprived and this is so exciting to me!)

Homer: Um ... yes. (Subtext: I swear I don't have any weed on me, officer.)

Jim: I'm a big fan. (I'm a huge idiot!)

Homer: Oh, hi! (Whew!)

Jim: I actually produced that Daptone Studio tour piece for MTV News back in the day! (Please like me!)

Homer: Oh, yeah, I thought you looked familiar. That piece turned out great! (I don't remember you, but I remember that kickass segment you cut.)

Jim: So ... where ya going? (Please be on my plane and please be sitting next to me, so I can get all the dirt on Winehouse.)

Homer: Uh ... to the bathroom. And then home. (STALKER ALERT.)

Jim: Have a good trip! (Massive fail.)

Homer: Bye! (Whew.)

This comes after I harassed two members of the band Grizzly Bear on my way to the 2007 Vegas VMAs. That was slightly more embarrassing, since I asked them if they were attending the awards, to which they responded, "Why in the hell would we be invited to the VMAs?" Good point, fellas. Except apparently I thought my question was valid, since I followed up with, "Oh, this year they have big artists collaborating with smaller indie bands, so I thought maybe you would be performing with Kanye or something." And then they shook my hand and left.

Seriously. I suck.

Gotta board the plane. Edie Falco is also on my flight. Here's hoping I don't bump into her, because clearly I'd ask her an inane question and come off like a creep. Yay, "Idol" finale!

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