The Beauty Of The Internets

At the airport, waiting to get on a plane to Manchester, NH. First, I’ve got the worst allergies and I’m hoping that I won’t be snotting while moderating the debates on Thursday. Second, this is going to be one of those small planes where they ask you to sit according to weight, like you're in a canoe or on a tandem bicycle…. I am not in the least worried about that.

But, back to the issue at hand, I’m off to what will hopefully be an historic journey of political magnitude unlike anything our generation has seen before! How’s that for enthusiasm. I’ve been totally dorking out at my video on the MySpace page and refreshing every 15 seconds to see the views incrementally change. It’s strangely the most gratifying thing I’ve done in weeks. You just sit there and hit refresh and scream…20 more people saw the video! I know, it’s a pointless way to use my time, but really fun while I’m packing and getting ready for the trip. The thing about the “internets” is it’s instant gratification. You can feel people clicking on to something you’ve done and that small task of someone actually reading your blog, taking time to comment or click on a video feels earned. Conversely, when things are “silent” you feel like you haven’t hit the spot. TV is different. It’s like working in a glass bubble: You never really know what people are thinking or if they’re watching or what they would say if I were in the room.

Which leads me to my second point…I love all the comments up on the MySpace/Presidential forum page and on my personal page. To those that are complaining: I know MTV doesn’t play videos, blah, blah, blah….I wish I could change that. I want you instead to tell me what you want to know from John Edwards, or how you think this is going to succeed or fail, or why politics get you going or bore you to death. Oh and to those that have been wondering whether this will be “fake”….I can’t assure you of much, but I can assure you that this whole thing is going down in REAL time, LIVE, un-screened, we’re not getting the questions before hand. And what I don’t think a lot of you may know is that you’ll be able to comment on Edwards’ answers while watching the discussion, and then myself or Gideon will be able to see how you’re reacting. So, if you think the Senator isn’t answering the question with honesty, then you can say so on the site and we’ll call him out on it. It’s a small detail…but crucial. We’ll have no idea what the reactions or questions will be, but it’ll hopefully be HONEST. Now, of course, I’m still at the airport in NY, so I don’t want to get too ahead of myself. It always starts with such good intentions, doesn’t it??? We have our first big meeting tonight in New Hampshire and then we’re off!!!!

Thanks for the love, clicks and comments.

From the Road,


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