More 'R' To Love In New 'Warm Bodies' Character Poster

In the grand scheme of things, we don't have too much longer to wait, and EXCLUSIVE goodies like this one make the time almost bearable. So without further ado, behold the latest character poster for the zombie comedy!

"Love Means Never Having To Say You’re Dead" the tagline reads, juxtaposed with an image of our leading man R trying to win our hearts with his not-so-dead-and-kinda-cute expression, as he appears to be pleading with us to be his more-than-friend. (Or maybe we're reading too much into it.)

I love this tagline because it reminds me of a favorite book I had as a child, Charles M. Schulz's "Love Is Walking Hand-In-Hand" with the Peanuts gang, and that book's sweetly innocent tone fits with that of this film. Just look at how adorable R is holding that pretty yellow daisy! Not scary at all.

So are you ready to see the movie yet? Or better yet, want to see "Warm Bodies" early? Find a screening in your city. After, tweet your review of the film with the hashtag #ZombieThoughts and be entered for a chance to win a live chat with Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer and Rob Corddry. Get all the details here. And check out another character poster via the "Warm Bodies" Tumblr!

"R" you in love with this new character poster (heh)? Take it to the comments and Twitter!

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