Facebook On Film: 'The Future Of Us' Gets Snagged By Warner Bros.

So, about "The Future of Us"! Don't let the schlocky-romance-sounding name fool you; this is a time-traveling drama for the digital age—think "Back to the Future" meets "The Social Network"—featuring a teenage girl who logs onto the internet for the first time in 1996, and thanks to a rip in the space-time continuum, stumbles upon the Faceboook profile of her 20-something future self. (What happens next? Dunno! But we can probably assume that hijinks ensue!)

And if Jay Asher's name is familiar, that's because he's got a talent for penning books that are ready-made for the Hollywood treatment; his debut novel, "13 Reasons Why," is currently in production with Selena Gomez in the lead role.

Do you like the sound of "The Future of Us"? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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