Has 'Life Unexpected' Run Out Of Lives?

This isn't to say that the show is officially over; series decisions aren't typically made until May, and there is still half a season left. As you might remember, "LU"'s "One Tree Hill" cross-over episode prompted the network to order two more episodes, so a ratings boost could still save Lux & Co.

Speaking of crossovers, I can totally picture grungy "Gossip Girl" Jenny Humphrey taking off for the laid-back vibe of Portland and bonding with Lux over orphan-issues and blond, wavy hairstyles. If not, at least we know the network is good at finding homes for actors who lose their shows. (It feels like the entire cast of "Melrose Place" found new gigs within a season—although maybe there is a Shaun Sipos curse to worry about? I kid.) Until the final word comes in May though, we'll keep watching!

Do you think "Life Unexpected" still has life left?

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