Parents Like Selfie Sticks Too, They're Just Not As Good At It As You Are

Don't let the 'rents use a selfie stick unsupervised.

We've all taken selfies with our folks, but there's something special about seeing your parent take a selfie on their own for the first time. It's weirdly as endearing as it is embarrassing and you often walk away asking yourself, "Was this what it was like watching me learn to walk?"

Parents like to pretend like they're above selfies, but the reality is that they can get just as caught up in social media as we do. But as the Fine Brothers explored in their recent video, they don't always look the most competent while while doing that — especially if they have to use a selfie stick.

They struggled the most with snapping selfies once their phone was in the stick. "I should've called my daughter or something," one mother lamented before being told there was a button on the handle handle of the stick. But with a little practice and a lot of patience, their selfie game wasn't exactly on fleek, but it was adorable.

Fine Brothers Entertainment /YouTube

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So keep encouraging your elders in their selfie pursuits, but maybe think twice before buying your dad a selfie stick for Christmas. It's only going to stress him out while he's playing golf. Watch the full video below.

H/T Cosmopolitan

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