Emma Watson Appears To Have Joined A Fancy Biker Gang

Emma Watson

Emma Watson at the Valentino show during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week.

Photo: Getty Images

Despite getting face-palmed by new best friend Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson has single-handedly won Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week. Apologies to all of the designers who spent the last few months of their lives working hard on their collections, and better luck next time to all the celebrities who flew halfway around the world to attempt a lasting statement in the front row (OK, Jared Leto's an exception here, for obvious reasons). Anyway, everyone else can just give up because Emma Watson—and her killer outfit at the Valentino show—is all the matters.

Emma manages to somehow bare lots and lots of skin (totally sheer skirt! bralet crop top! very low neckline!), while remaining totally chic and sophisticated. This is partly because of the ~flawless~ BLK DNM Leather Jacket 1, and also because of the ingenious wizardry of Mr. Valentino Garavani, but mostly because it's Emma Watson and she can make anything chic and sophisticated.

She's also wearing just one dangling earring. What's this about, Emma? I don't know, but I like it. To top it all off, she added red stilettos because she was like, "Hmmm...might as well go ahead and one-up everyone on the entire planet with an entirely unexpected pointy shoe peeking out of the hem of my beyond-words stylish skirt." Even the rain couldn't touch her.

Emma Watson at the Valentino show during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week.

Photo: Getty

More like it didn't touch her, I guess. We have this young man to thank—his expert umbrella-holding skills prevent Emma from worrying about her outfit and allow her to #WERK.

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