Men's Shorts Are Shrinking In Length And We're Not Complaining

Short Shorts

Who wears short shorts?

Photos: Getty Images/Photoshop: Caitlin Morton

Who wears short shorts? Guys do, apparently. According to the Wall Street Journal, inseams in men's shorts have shrunk down to a measly FIVE inches—10 inches shorter than what dudes wore a few years ago. That's a lot of manly thigh action, my friends.

We've definitely noticed this skin-baring trend rising in the ranks lately, and you know what? We are SO not complaining. Baggy, low-hanging shorts certainly have their place (the gym...or the '90s), but higher hemlines make for a much cleaner and preppier look. Just ask Chuck Bass. Or any tennis player ever.

We also can't find any reason to complain when guys go the WAY short route, à la Harry Styles as of late. If he wants to strut around in thigh-high knickers on the beach, that's his right (and our delight). With inseam lengths on a steady decline, there's always the possibility of men showing a liiiiitle too much bizness in the future, so, guys, let's keep 'em below your fingertips, OK? For now, though, we're enjoying the view. [Ed. Note: See Drake on Saturday Night Live.]


Yep, into this.

Photo: Getty Images

And guys, if you're ever having trouble with your shorts-based decisions, just ask yourself one question: What would Pharrell do? And then do that thing.

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