MTV Style x #shehashadit Take On New York Fashion Week Street Style: Day 2

Hello, Kweens! How are you? Did you survive Day 2? Are you THRIVING? In case you forgot, we are #blessed to have Jarvis Derrell of She Has Had It on hand for the duration of New York Fashion Week, serving you up with some really real street style realness, in the way that only he can. And today was a DAY, y'all. Yeah, it's the weekend, but during NYFW there is no rest for the weary and no Lululemons on Saturday. (Unless you've been catching the shows via live stream, in which case we salute you and your gym clothes.)


Street style from New York Fashion Week.

Photo: Getty Images

HEYYY GURRLLL!!! Yes, I'm talking to you! It's me Kiesha/Kiesha!! And I'm living for all the leggy dreams you are making come true for the tall girls around the world! THRIVE!!! And extra points for the color scheme Kween, you know I love Janelle Monáe!!!! And nothing blesses my heart more than a sensible over-the-shoulder pose and a doe-eyed glare! #ilive #shehashadit #nobra #noproblem #fineandfree #baggage #sneakerheels #blessingfromgod #turnaround #hungry #blackandwhiteissue #yassss


Street style from New York Fashion Week

Photo: Getty Images

Yassssssssssssssss Kween Yassssssss!!! Serving up some Madame C.J. Walker REALNESS, with those tame-but-wavy, luscious locks of love! Guurrrll, I wish I could get my lace front to cooperate like that! Yassss!!! Now, everybody knows there's one essential item you HAVE to have, to fulfill the full NYFW experience ... your smart phone!!! Duh!!! 1: You need it to look preoccupied, busy and completely uninterested and engaged with everything going on around you, even though you're LIVING for it all, and secretly can't wait to tweet about it! 2: You need it to see if that cute Marc Jacobs model is on Grindr, and guuuuurrrrlll we KNOW he is! Bloop! 3: You have to it to text your baby cousin's brother-in-law's mother's sister's daughter to make sure your name is on that list so you can at lease get in the tents!!! #amen #metropcs #unlimitedtext #grateful #shehashadit #wetnwavy #justforme #hairbytinaknowles #cuewindmachine #sensibleshadesofbrown #thriving #obsessed

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