Nicole Richie Doesn't Want You To Be A Man Repeller On Her New Episode Of #CandidlyNicole

Nicole Richie and Ben Lyons help their friend Erin Foster pick out a first date look.

Photo: AOL On

OH, the age-old "girl-cute" vs "boy-cute" debate. Especially among the more fashionably inclined, there's often a disconnect between what ladies and their friends think is super cute and what the boys that date them are into for their ladies. Whether you're a staunch follower of The Man Repeller herself, Leandra Medine, or more of a girly girl, you've surely been party to an "are overalls fun or fugly" convo or two. This makes getting ready for dates (be they first or otherwise) REALLY hard! Nicole Richie understands, and addresses this difficult, serious topic in her new episode of #CandidlyNicole. You want to look cool, but you don't want to look, you know, like an art piece or anything #balance. Also, harem pants. Don't do it. Nicole actually suggests waiting until a man is "legally bound" to you before you break out those bad boys, but we have to say, we think it's important that you show your partner your true colors before then because: honesty. ANYWAY, Nicole's friend, film critic and Extra host Ben Lyons is brought in as dude consult to help ladyfriend and fellow comedienne (who you may remember as Marissa Cooper's enemy Heather from The O.C.) Erin Foster pick out a look for a first date. Obviously, hilarity ensues.

Nicole tasks Ben with picking out a "first date outfit" and a "wifey outfit." The first is understandably girly and flirty, while the second, well, 'potato sack' comes to mind. Nicole also picks out her two looks, one of which involves a vest AND a crop top, but everyone agrees that Erin looks super cute in both first date looks. The moral of this story? Be yourself, but maybe leave the crazy FASHUNS for later in the game.

What do you think of Nicole's first date advice?

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