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"Are you kidding me?"

Photo: Tori Locklear's YouTube

Here at MTV Style, we know that sartorial gusto often comes at the high price of practicality (…and time and money and sanity LOL but really). Thus, we bring you useful ways to tackle style-related nuisances.

• YouTube tutorials are a godsend, but because we’d rather you not end up with literal side burns, here's a round-up of the top hairstyling how-to videos. {Fashionista}

• Chances are, your favorite lace dress has at some point gotten caught to your bracelet, bag, another human, etc. Enter: lace's cool, low-maintenance, snag-free cousin.

{She Finds}

• With pictures being shared like the last slice, standing in front of a camera can be a lot of pressure. A few quick tricks to take the perfect picture will have you all #nofilter in #notime.

{Refinery 29}

• So your closet is overflown with pieces of tired outfits you've cobbled together for an entire season? TopShelf is a new service that offers online personal styling (without making a desert of your checking account). {TopShelf Clothes}

• Finally! A sandal that won't give you blisters, provides enough coverage to walk the begrimed streets of NYC and doesn't look orthopedic. {Racked National}

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