Caroline D'Amore: These Are A Few Of Her Favorite Things

Caroline D'Amore.

Photo: Stephen Garnett

I must confess: I'm straight-ish for Caroline D'Amore. An easy breezy Google image search results in a few pics of Caroline posing it up with a very tan Kardashian or two. But, no shade Kimmy, Caroline is a beauty of many talents. The proof lies in her impressive ressy: She's a model (she’s smized for design goddesses including Stella McCartney and DVF…NBD), she's an in-demand DJ for many an A-Lister party (see: *lil black dress-clad door girl eyes you up, notices unpleasant jeggings* "Sorry, this is, like, a private party, there's like, nothing I can do, kbai…!"), she's an actress (oh hey, she co-starred as MTV homegirl aka Audrina Patridge's lil sis in Sorority Row). But that's not it, you guys. If you kind of remember your Saturday night, you likely got your (unfortunate) dancing-on-ya-own/mascara-running-tequila-tears on courtesy of Caroline's club banger, "Music Man," which, FYI is NUMERO UNO on the Beatport dance charts. You go, gorge gurl. In other words, check out Caroline's favorite things, which, spoiler alert, are all kinds of uh-maze. Also, shout out to Proactiv: we’ve found your new sizzling, super stylish spokesperson. Now send some bottles our way.

Caroline's husband's leather jacket.

Photo: Courtesy of Caroline D'Amore

Statement Piece: My studded leather jacket from Robin's Jean. I stole it from my husband!

Some of Caroline's vintage finds.

Photo: Courtesy of Caroline D'Amore

eBay Purchase: Anything vintage.

Tradition: Milk on 3rd street in LA.

Caroline's fave concert tee.

Photo: Courtesy of Caroline D'Amore

Concert Tee: My 'Street Drum Corp' shirt.

Fashion-y Album Cover Art: No Doubt's Tragic kingdom.

Fashion-y Music Vid: Madonna's "Human Nature”

Nail Polish: Chanel Vamp with a matte topcoat.

Lipstick/Gloss: Matte lipstick, never gloss.I don't wanna look like I just ate some greasy chicken.

Perfume: Kai; I love the smell of gardenias.

Tattoo: My mother's signature and the happy face my husband and I got a couple days after we met.

Caroline's Missoni Converse.

Photo: Courtesy of Caroline D'Amore

Shoes: Missoni Converse (LOVE these!)

Hangover Helper: Chug a giant bottle of water before falling asleep...and you're good to go.

Blogs:, & Refinery29

Fashion Era: 90's all the way. Slip dresses and combat boots!

Eye Makeup: Red lip liner used as eyeliner.

Face Wash: Proactiv.

Moisturizer: Alicia Silverstone's Stem Repair Moisturizer from

Hair Products: Bleach and hairspray.

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