Nail Art Tumblr Inspired By Lady Gaga's Outfits Is Totally Genius, Mind-Blowing

Lady Gaga inspired nail art.

Photo: Splash News/Courtesy of Polished Paws Up

Ladies, there's something UH-MAZING happening on the interwebs, and we need to talk about it, like, right now. And, since it's #ManicureMonday, we'll give you three guesses as to what it's about… SPOILER ALERT: It's about nails. Really, REALLY good nails. We're always (and we mean al-ways) on Tumblr drooling over the stellar nail art that fills our dashboard on a daily basis, but we stumbled upon something spectacular in one teeny, tiny corner of the web that we literally could not stop "oooh-ing" and "ahhh-ing" over. Everyone, meet Polished Paws Up. Polished Paws Up, meet everyone. This nail art Tumblr is run by one of Lady Gaga's Little Monsters who creates original (and BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED) nail designs based off of Lady Gaga's ensembles. I KNOW, I KNOW, it sounds amazing, and it is, but one of the best parts about this Tumblr is that she makes nail art we'd actually want to recreate on our own REGARDLESS of it being an homage to the Gags. Back in June when Mother Monster was on her vintage Versace kick, she was spotted in a bold red, blue, teal, orange, and gold batwing button-up shirt, bright red lipstick, oversized green circle sunglasses and matching bright teal bob. The amazing color combinations of Lady Gaga's ensemble basically screamed, "Haiii, make me into nail art, pleasssee," and that's EXACTLY what happened.

Since Gaga's Versace print shirt is actually quite intricate, it would take a super skilled nail artist to recreate this on a tiny nail canvas (although we won't stop you from trying!). So to get an equally awesome but more nail-friendly design, the lady behind Polished Paws Up decided to do a marble effect with the exact same five colors from Gaga's silk top (which actually is quite simple to do if you have a bowl of water and a toothpick. Watch a video tutorial here!). To get the signature Versace chain print look, she used, well, an actual chain. Genius. We'll betcha a million bucks if you dig through your old jewelry you'll find an old gold necklace chain that's knotted, tangled and ready to be reborn again into beautiful nail art. Cut the pieces to fit each nail diagonally, use strip of nail glue, and press on the chain lightly until it dries. To finish your Gaga nail look, paint your accent nail the same bright teal as Gaga's wig for a similar pop of shocking color, and VOILA! You've got Mother Monster Versace-inspired nails.

Lady Gaga inspired nail art.

Photo: Getty Images/Courtesy of Polished Paws Up

If you want to go for something a little less edgy but still SO Gaga, try recreating that 'dorbs mint green and white lace ensemble that we spotted on Monster Monster last month. Her soft minty hair whipped up into a high bun paired with ornate white frames and a white lace dress is just BEGGING to be turned into a work of nail art. Start off with a nude polish base and let it completely dry. Using a nail art pen or toothpick, recreate Gaga's lace dress with a series of circles and dots as seen above. Finish off the look by sweeping a swipe of mint green on the tips. For the accent finger, paint the entire nail the same shade of mint green that you used on your tips. (To see what exact colors she used here, check out her Tumblr post.) When it's totally dry, use the white polish from the lace design and paint the polish onto a sponge (or paper towel) and lightly press down on the tip of the nail until you have enough coverage. Don't saturate the sponge or paper towel TOO much with the white polish or else you won't get that great spotted sponge effect. Finish with a clear top coat and you're donezo! Now you have two great reasons to put those (polished) paws up, Little Monsters!

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