Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Ep 6: Joseline Apologizes To Mimi, Beefs With Stevie J

Drama, love and reconciliation (of sorts) were in the air on Monday night's  (July 23) episode of "Love & Hip Hop Atlanta." Stevie J. confronted his side piece/artist Joseline about threatening his baby momma Mimi at a "fashion" shoot. Joseline brushes off her pimp, er, producer and says, "Stevie, I believe he's jealous of me in a way," and then tells him, "If you're so worried about Mimi, go be with Mimi!"

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta: Stevie J Was Surprised By Joseline's Pregnancy

Good point, but it falls on Stevie J's deaf ears. Joseline says that she wants to apologize to Mimi because their mutual jumpoff is a liar or as she puts it, "a rabbit" that wants to smash the town. She then reveals to a friend that she went behind Stevie's back to talk to other producers. "I don't want to deal with him anymore," says Joseline. Whoa. Is Joseline the smartest woman in the A right now?

Momma Dee and Scrappy's new piece, Shay, have a girls talk sit-down that borders on creepy. "There's no title," Shay details on her relationship with Scrappy. Shay should probably get a title because Scrappy is still knee-deep in drama with Erica. A puffy vest-clad (over a t-shirt, by the way) Scrappy and Erica have a fight about child support and somewhere in there, Scrap throws in the possibility of reconciliation down the line. Here we go again...

In other domestic problems, after her music video party (Is that really a thing?) falls flat, Rasheeda goes behind her Kirk's back to talk to Deb Antney about managing her. Deb is Waka Flocka's momma but should consider a job in couples' therapy. The straight shooter tells Rasheeda that being married to her manager has hurt her career. When Rasheeda tells Kirk this, cue waterworks on both sides. Kirk is understandably shocked and disappointed by his wife's disloyalty. Will Rasheeda choose her handsome hubby or rap superstardom?

Karlie Redd tells Mimi that she will work with Joseline and Stevie because "it's business". Ominous words; Mimi predicts that Karlie and Jos will soon be fast friends. Translation: How long before Karlie is impregnated by Stevie? Karlie continues to strike out in this episode. Besides a sit down with K. Michelle that goes nowhere, Karlie engages in a romantic, er nauseating date with Benzino that ends with a make out sesh. Yes, we said make out; we should have warned you that this episode was not for the faint of heart. Gross all around.

Finally, Mimi and Joseline have their peace talks about the threatening texts Jos has been sending. Joseline is strangely mature and apologetic. "He has a way of telling you one thing, telling me one thing...and playing everybody," Joseline says about Stevie. Joseline apologizes for her pregnancy and says that the two ladies can't beat themselves up about Stevie's lies. Mimi doesn't exactly believe the mea culpa but it looks like the two do agree, at the very least, that Stevie J is a lying, cheating dog. Progress ladies!

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