EA Executive Believes Apple Has Nintendo's Number


People are constantly making comparisons between Nintendo and Apple. Which is understandable; both are figureheads and innovators in their respective fields: video games and personal computing. Though Nintendo is often a favorite target of Apple diehards, who often state that the house that Mario built should just throw in the towel when it comes to hardware are just make games for iOS.

Yet anyone familiar with video game history knows that such a move would not end well. Just take a look at what happened to Sega. Plus there is plenty of evidence to show that Nintendo is doing well for itself (like the report earlier today that says the 3DS, in many ways a competitor to the iPhone and iPad, is killing it in Japan).

But don't tell that to EA's chief creative officer Richard Hilleman, who at D.I.C.E. Europe, basically said that Nintendo, in particular Shigeru Miyamoto, need to wake up and smell the coffee.

According to GamesIndustry, Hilleman acknowledges that those who sought game design wisdom used to refer to Miyamoto's handiwork. But these days it's a different story:

"… He's falling down on the job. And for the past five years that job has been taken over by a dead guy from Cupertino."

Ouch. Though he also believes that traditional gaming solutions are simply not cutting it anymore:

"Customers today... are generally looking for a single fabric of play. They want their game where they want it, when they want it, and at a price they can defend to other people."

Hilleman believe the traditional video game market, which again produces mostly console and PC fare, are struggling due to the following reasons:

"We've asked for too much time, too much skill, and too much money, sometimes all at once."

There is certainly a certain degree of insight in such words. At the very least, it shows EA's approach towards making games these days. Many will no doubt be bothered by the assertions that gamers are only looking for a "single fabric of play."

One also has to consider the fact that EA is hardly a fan of Nintendo, hence the almost total lack of support for the Wii U. Though comparing Shigeru Miyamoto to Steve Jobs seems, among other things, a tad bit unfair.

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