Not Surprisingly, The Oculus Rift Makes Scary Games Even Scarier


As we've noted plenty of times already, the Oculus Rift can increase the immersive qualities of a game exponentially. Though, as it turns out, and somewhat predictably, the VR gaming headset can also make an already scary game even scarier.

And we're not talking about games in which zombies and aliens are shoved into your face to a greater degree, we're talking about titles that have genuine creepy crawly frights. Like Dreadhalls, which the developer describes as being "inspired by the roguelike genre and games such as Dungeon Master or Eye of the Beholder".

Just watch what happens when something comes out of the shadow (fast forward to the 3:25 mark for those who are pressed for time):

Thankfully he didn't destroy the thing when ripping the headset off. Which is a valid concern, according to Joystiq, who advocates the idea of an auto-pause feature for horror games. Which, frankly, is not the worst idea in the world.

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