THE FUTURE IS HERE! (Soon) -- Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill Kickstarter is Live

It's a wacky time to be a gamer -- I mean there have always been peripherals and gizmos promising to "take you to the next level™." From the NES Power Pad to the Sega Activator to flight sticks, racing wheels, and everything in between, we've longed for a time where we could digitally leap into our games. We saw a huge push over the last few years with motion controls and more recently VR has been within the grasp of the common gamer with Oculus Rift. And while the previously mentioned VR goggles are setting its sights on capturing a market there's only one thing it can't simulate -- the act of feeling like you're in a game.

Enter the Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill, a goofy yet intriguing concept, that will have you virtually hoofing around in you favorite digital world. We've seen the prototype but now it looks like the creators are turning to crowd funding to bring VR even closer to the masses.

At 48-inches in diameter and weighing in at 110 pounds, the Omni will take up a substantial bit of space. However, the price is hovering around 250-300 dollar range -- hitting that sorta sweet spot for the hobbyist crowd. Doing some light math you could have a full VR setup at around 2000-2500 bucks with the Omni, Oculus Rift, and a mid to upper tier PC. If you would have said that to my 8 year old self I probably would have had a stroke. At any rate, I'm ready to embrace the future so I'll their video do the talking.

[Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill Kickstarter]

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