'Enter the Freeman' Filmmakers Looking To Fund 'Half-Life: The Freeman Chronicles' Series

"Where the f*** is Freeman?"

So someone explain the insane "Half-Life"/Gordon Freeman fandom to me? The silent protagonist of Valve's games makes for an interesting visual but has no discernible personality to speak of. So how/why does he and the alien-oppressed landscape of the games inspire so much fan love, from art to multiple shorts and miniseries already made and in the pipeline? No snark intended here, I really would love a clear explanation from a hardcore fan.

Speaking of which, the ongoing Indiegogo campaign by a group of the Freeman Faithful would like your help getting "Half-Life: The Freeman Chronicles" made: a six-episode series based on the continuing adventures of everyone's favorite crowbar-wielding savior. The project is the brainchild of duo Ian James Duncan and Bernhard Forcher who are seeking $75,000 ($5,000 goes to Indiegogo) to get their series made. They're also crowdsourcing portions of the story which will sees Freeman up against the commander of the HECU with headcrabs liberally sprinkled throughout.

The duo is behind "Enter the Freeman," an 11-minute short which debuted last year on Machinima. That short featured a bloody encounter between Freeman, a pair of scientists, a security officer, and a vicious headcrab.

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