'Super Crate Box' iOS Shooting For September Release

Indie developer Vlambeer saw the dark side of iOS development when it was scooped to the platform by a team that cloned "Radical Fishing" and stuck a ninja in it. The fury over that cloning has since died down, and Vlambeer is moving on by re-releasing another one of its most popular games, "Super Crate Box," on the App Store.

You may recall that, way back in October 2010, "Super Crate Box" released as freeware for Mac and PC. The game was a delight, mashing up original "Mario Bros." platforming with a dozen deadly weapons and an exceedingly high difficultly level. Oh, and hats. There were definitely hats.

The iOS version of "Super Crate Box" has been created with the help of Halfbot, the folks behind "The Blocks Cometh." Based on the trailer (above), it seems like a pretty faithful recreation of the original game, with all the hats, weapons and devious enemies making a comeback. The addition of achievements and leaderboards through Game Center would only make the pot sweeter.

I do have some concerns about the controls, to be honest. "Super Crate Box" is among one of the most demanding 2D platformers I've ever played, and I'm not sure the touch screen is up to the task. Here's hoping it is, but if not, the game will also support the iCade, the $99 device which transforms iPads into mini stand-up arcade machines. Certainly a classic joystick would be able to handle the demands of "Super Crate Box," right?

No matter what, I'll definitely be downloading this the moment it releases. The trailer pegs the release for sometime in September, so the wait isn't long at all.

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