'Serious Sam 3: BFE' Screens Feature Big Action

Back in February, Cro-Team and Devolver Digital announced the next video game adventure for Sam "Serious" Stone, "Serious Sam 3: BFE." It's coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this summer, and today brings some new screens for you to feast your eyes upon.

"Serious Sam" is visiting a 22nd century version of Egypt for this next adventure. The story is set before the events of "Serious Sam: The First Encounter," with our hero facing off against alien hordes as Mental proceeds with his invasion of Earth. The no-frills first-person shooter series is cut from the one-liner-spewing mold of "Duke Nukem," so expect lots of big weapons and bigger explosions.

The original press release mentioned new enemies, "the rumbling Scrapjack" and the "towering Khnum," along with a new set of melee attacks, online co-op through the campaign for up to 16 players and two versus modes, Deathmatch and Beast Hunt. Hopefully Beast Hunt involves taking control of one of the massive enemies shown in these new screens.

The initial two games, "Serious Sam: The First Encounter" and "Serious Sam: The Second Encounter," have both gotten HD remakes in recent years. The first was released on PC in 2009 and later on Xbox Live Arcade in 2010. The sequel followed in 2010 for both platforms, in April and September, respectively. "Serious Sam 3: BFE" -- still no word on what "BFE" stands for, though it's probably Bum f--k Egypt" -- is coming to PC and "game consoles" this summer. Now sit back and enjoy the pictures of large, menacing alien beasts.

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